How i cured my folliculitis reddit. I spent the last year on bactrim.

  • My scalp biopsy also came back positive for lupus as well as psoriasis. 34M I have been dealing with folliculitis for over a decade now and I thought I had tried everything. washing my hair with BP right now at 12:30am cuz my scalp is bothering me so much. I looked into what it could be and came to the conclusion that it was gram-negative folliculitis. For the past two months I have felt an incredible improvement. I’d tried topical steroids and otc shampoos intermittrenly. I get a bump every once in a while, but am mostly clear. My folliculitis is bacterial. Unless you remove the oil glands from your pores your pore size, bacteria on your skin and oil production create the perfect environment for dirt to get trapped and bacteria to thrive and get to the lower layers of skin. Types of Folliculitis. I’ve been prescribed Clindamycin and Triamcinolone Acetonide, and my folliculitis continues to come back (specifically on the back of my head) & I’m afraid if this doesn’t get treated it could lead to even bigger problems. I am 22 years old, and I live in France. I say this as unfortunately in my case, doxy only helped temporarily while I was on it and it came back immediate after. My hair has thinned out since this started, but I'm not sure if that is just a natural men losing hair thing or from the folliculitis. I began to think my GNF was something internal, in hey guys i’ve posted on his sub quite a few times complaining about this fucked up disease, but now it’s time to share my success story!! I’ve tried benzoyl peroxide in the past which did work, but it dried out my scalp so i looked for other options. After much frustration and a lot of money, forums and research, I finally found a solution that works. I was buying and trying all possible products. An intereting thing about my folliculitis was that it was caused by shaving as many online searches might tell you. If my outbreaks are particularly aggressive, I would apply alcohol several times throughout the day (no more than 3 times). I wish I could say I've found a cure but I havent. So, I began a Keto/Carnivore diet (basically no carbs and sugar), which I have been doing for 2 months. Years ago I had MRSA, the antibiotic resistant evolved form of staph. Many hours of research told me that the Staphylococci bacteria are responsible for my very painful and noticeable scalp folliculitis which ended up spreading from the back of my scalp to the sides as well. If your folliculitis is mild, it can sometimes be treated at home. How is there no cure for Folliculitis , im so miserable the past year with constant inflammation , bumps , redness . Accutane seemed to clear my scalp but as soon as I stopped taking them, I broke out again. My routine below is how I began the first 1-2 weeks: Neutrogena Stubborn Acne Cleanser: apply every morning and leave on for ~45 minutes prior to showering. 6K subscribers in the Folliculitis community. Tldr ashwagandha cured folliculitis. Never knew what it was until I browsed this groups posts. Read this thread some time back and commenting now in case my experience helps anyone. And Found This Post - I applied hibiscrub + moisturizer to my scalp only, and it immediately cleared everything, including my face even though i didnt apply it to my face. Like a lot of you, I picked up folliculitis from a filthy barber who didn't clean his clippers and razor. I'm 22 years old and have been dealing with Folliculitis on the back of my scalp for 4 years. Words cannot describe what I'm seeing. After the shower, I apply it on my scalp and "scratch" the hair till the foam is formed. I eliminated dairy from my diet for 2 weeks and noticed an improvement. k. I had folliculitis on my scalp for about four months, tried hibiclens and a prescribed topical antibiotic, and nothing worked. I saw a derm and he immediately tested me for lupus and my labs came back borderline positive, but increased since my last lupus screening. I tried all sorts of shampoos and ointments that had no effect. My scalp no longer burned and itched and after a week, I no longer had any bumps. This has been so frustrating as my folliculitis seems to never subside. It was awful and I was distraught. Will this 100% fix the issue so I will no longer have to deal with this condition? I have been suffering with chronic scalp folliculitis for my entire adult life, primarily on the back of my neck. No scars, no red or Also my hair has always been very oily and sweaty ever since I was a kid, so idk if the folliculitis had to do with anything with oil. I first saw it a couple of years ago for a few weeks, then it mysteriously disappeared, but last summer, it came back and no matter what I did it didn't go away. I started to take it seriously in the recent months and improved significantly. I was always physically active and happy. Mine has gotten clearer after a few weeks, I can share my routine as well. The whole year I was taking it I had a perfectly calm scalp. All over my back, my shoulders, down my arms up til my elbows. I'll monitor my skin's oiliness and see if it gets worse, but so far looks the same. I soon realized that my scalp folliculitis was actually fungal! I ran out to grab 2% ketaconazole shampoo so I could nuke this infection once and for all. I recently got an ADHD diagnosis and started stimulants. Tldr: savlon solution works great for hair Folliculitis Treatment options for folliculitis depend on the type of folliculitis you have and it’s severity. That’s just an empirical fact. I have suffered from suspected folliculitis for many years. It has actually helped my skin become better while aiding me in keeping this condition at bay. So at one point 2 years ago, I started to use PanOxyl. I had scalp folliculitis for around 3 years. there are other reddit posts and youtube vids that seem to think it helps with chronic foliculitis. He also told me to wear WHITE 100% cotton underwear. I would say I took it for 8-12 weeks and now its all gone, the one bottle lasted me the whole time, i just got a new one because I want to do it once or The folliculitis on my head mainly effected the back of my neck like yours and I’d get a few spots at the front of my hair line on my forehead. I just hope it gets better with age. This year, I had a lot of stress, then used a strong body sunscreen on my face, and also it was very hot that day so my pores probably blocked, but in 1 DAY, I came out in fungal acne over my face and chest, really inflamed. I shaved my head with a clean razor after cleaning my head with hibiclens. Please shed your light if you have healed from folliculitis ๐Ÿ™ Hoping that someone would find my experience beneficial, sharing my story: This worked for about a month, then my body built up a resistance to the antibiotics and the scalp acne returned with a vengeance. I've had my GP give me the following: A 7 day… I did one more time. I also have KP on my arms, and using the creams my derm prescribed made it worse, but after some years this condition improved a lot by its own. 7K subscribers in the Folliculitis community. Lesions of folliculitis took longer to clear than those of creeping eruption. I purchased CLn Shampoo online which took my bumps from 8/10 to 6/10 and helped alot with itching when my scalp was inflamed. Today I come back to you on my current condition after 5 years of fighting folliculitis. I haven't used the gel since my last break out which was about 2 months ago and it was around this time I was also on the antibiotics I can't tell if it was the antibiotics or if it was the gel itself but I haven't had any recurrence or any bumps form and I've been able to cut my hair without any irritation my scalp is also feeling more soft t Regarding alcohol, I actually began using it this week on my scalp once per day after cleaning my scalp, but I moisturize right after so I assume the drying of the skin isn't much of an issue. Little bit of backround info (skip if you like): I had cystic acne on my cheeks and and jawline, went on Accutane and around 4-5 months after coming off Accutane I started developing little bumps on my forehead mind you I’ve never had Olivia, thank you for posting this. Buy A&D baby rash cream (or similar) and rub it all over the affected areas before you go to bed. Cured my chronic folliculitis for the first time. When the mucous membranes of the nose are dry, staph thrive. Most of the chronic types are said to have no cure which is definitely a scary thing to hear. To be frank, anybody who says otherwise is unfortunately misinformed. tried everything. At the end of it though they were super bad and had spread all over my breasts, turned out I had also gotten folliculitis probably from being uber sweaty and barely getting the chance to shower and having it pool in a sports bra all day everyday. After 9 years of battling with this horrible scalp folliculitis condition, you guys found the best cure for me. I would rub that on the back of my head after I showered and leave it on all day. Eventually late last year I visited a dermatologist who prescribed amoxicillin for a month. One bottle of Nizoral Ketoconazole shampoo (I use the smaller one) 2 tbsp of rosemary essential oil 2 tbsp of eucalyptus essential oil 2 tbsp of tea tree essential oil 2 tbsp of orange essential oil Shake it up really well and use as needed. For background I am 22M and have had folliculitis on my upper body and upper back which could sometimes span up my neck, down my upper arms, shoulders, and abdomen. This terrible curse can be caused by many different things. I didn’t find a cure or a treatment to share with everyone here, but found healthy ways to improve and manage the situation. Nizoral has completely ruined my barrier so definitely stay out if you can. Finished the second week of fluconazole while also washing my scalp daily with the medicated shampoo. Fairly simple. I decided to shave my legs with a depilatory cream and the next day (well I started to notice the whole thing in two days ) folliculitis bumps appear not only in my legs but also in my chest, boobs my back and also on my arms as well. I'm going to keep this nice and short. Then rub into affected areas, leave entire length of shower. Two weeks later there was nothing left. So derm put me on Accutane, luckily everything got cleared and also the lost patches of beard hair area grew back. Mostly cured my folliculitis but my skin still feels sensitive and itchy I was diagnosed with non bacterial folliculitis via punch biopsy and swab. When COVID happened I grew out my hair and my Folliculitis got progressively worse. I had struggles with this for 11 years. i’ve also been on minocycline and it works but then comes straight back. I am now 27 years old. Due to my hair being long I never saw how bad my Folliculitis got. He has even done two biopsies in the last year and just kept giving me the same antibiotic. The spots also increased in number and severity. No it isn't a magic overnight pill that will cure folliculitis but slowly but surely I have seen the difference. My dermatologist just kept prescribing it to me over and over again to treat this. I put this information to try to help. My remedy. I underwent several types of treatments and used all types of creams and soaps, including many antiseptics for my body folliculitis, which affects mainly my legs and thighs. For years, I dreaded swimming in fear that people would see and judge. idk how one can live with this so long . Benzoyl Peroxide, Steroid Creams, Antibiotics, Hibiclens, Diet Changes. I have not tried this on my scalp, though others have, with success. These two simple things got rid of my folliculitis within 3 days! A dermatologist once prescribed me Duac gel (Clindamycin + Benzoyl Peroxide) to apply to the folliculitis on my scalp and it worked ok, but I got better results by washing my scalp daily with Neutrogena Benzoyl Peroxide face wash and applying pure Australian tea tree oil every night. I had folliculitis all over my face, scalp, neck, and back. In order to get to the good stuff immediately, I will detail my further thoughts and origins of my gram negative folliculitis at the end of this post. I was then prescribed lymecycline (408mg) from around November 2018 for around 6 months. For background, I’ve had gram negative folliculitis on my face, especially jaw line for a few years, likely a result of taking tetracyclines for acne as a teen. I started having folliculitis on the scalp at 16 years old. I've received a dry shampoo pack as gift from party so no harm to try it since I've been suffering years with both bacterial and fungal infections… Finally decided to give it a try and havent looked back. Hi All, so I have scalp folliculitis that has been present for at least 2 years. My hairline hasn't changed at all. I haven’t had anything as bad as what you’re experiencing in a while but I was getting clusters all over my chest, back and stomach on and off up until around February this year. I have been on the forum for quite a while, (I am a ghost member of the forum;)). My case was very bad. I cured my folliculitis with PROBIOTICS (physicians choice was the name of the brand) That and some 10% BP when showering like neutrogena or the other famous blue brand that they talk a lot un this sub Reddit. 90% acne on my scalp has cleared. Making this post in case it's useful for anyone. Totally my fault, I was a stupid kid. Rubbing Alcohol Then tea tree oil mixed with Jamaican black castor oil while wrapping my head at night. Hi Everyone! I dont want to make it a long story , but for me what worked was that I just stopped eat gluten (thank to the guy who post here the link to amazon book which I believe called 'how to cure scalp folliculitis' or something like that) , after 2 months of gluten free diet I can tell you that We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I recently came across Neem oil and bought pure neem oil and pre conditioner, shampoo, and conditioner all containing Neem oil. 100% cured. Just want to ask before I commit to seeing a dermatologist and starting to try and treat this. It’s gonna come back. Its been a month and now I only do it twice a week. Many have had success with their skin on this diet. I get shaky, light-headed, irritable, and if I don't eat something soon I will pass out. then came back after. I decided to go cold turkey and eat meat only and also changed my shampoo from head and shoulders to exederm (sulfate free) I'm not sure which one cured me either the diet or the shampoo but my guess is dairy was the root of the problem. I highly encourage you to do your own research. I have suffered with upper torso bacterial folliculitis for four years. My skin condition is a result of overuse of antibiotics due to problems I encountered as a result of thyroid cancer. for now it seems like it’s cured, but it’s only month 2 for me. Hope this helps you. Accutane seems to have cured my folliculitis I went on it for acne and my dermatologist said it would probably also take care of my folliculitis and it did. I have had acne flare ups before and used things like benzoyl peroxide, and retinol to clear it up really effectively. Let me tell you, there is no place like this subreddit on the internet when it comes to folliculitis. My rash became really REALLY bad and I was getting strange symptoms. De la cruz sulfur has worked wonder for me!!! It is definitely less drying than nizoral. He used it on the back of his head and anywhere he would get the bumps daily. I am thankful and grateful. Have had since 2007 on my scalp and face. so beat down on this . I got myself Sporanox and I am currently taking 200 mg for 10 days. I was diagnosed with scalp folliculitis that spread to my face and neck around 4 years ago and have tried multiple remedies (accutane, doxy, isopropyl alcohol, benzoyl peroxide, etc. Luclily for me it cured it and it did not come back. I always moisturize my scalp in the morning and night after cleaning. One of the biggest challenges in my life was my scalp folliculitis. Have them posted on my account with a photo. I stopped taking it as my skin cleared up but a few months after I started developing what I thought was acne on my bum, thighs and stomach. I have general thinning on the top of my head where the folliculitis occurs. I woke up with little to know itch after two months. I try my best to make 7. I was balding at the back of my head near the neck with a jagged line running down the back of my head if I didn't comb properly. The only thing is if I go back to eating high fodmap foods my gut gets disrupted and the follicultis will eventually slowly start appearing after about a month of eating that way. I really hope I found the cure for my folliculitis and if it doesn’t, the next step will be a skin biopsy. Causes of Folliculitis. This worked but only when I took it. To make my story short, I had folliculitis (scalp and body) for +20 years (now 40yo) and after 2 rounds of high dose accutane (60mg for 6mth and then 8mth) and tons of different antibiotics that didn't worked, I could finally cured the disease for good with a diet/lifestyle change. Two patients were cured with albendazole 400 mg twice daily for three consecutive days. My hair thinned bcs of it I'm sad but it is what it is. I took accutane for my face acne and scalp folliculitis for 8 months 20mg a day. I purchased an allergy test online for £7. this stuff is expensive but it really works, do some research on oregano oil it’s really good for you. After a week it was almost all gone. He told me accutane has the best chance to cure it and if it does not work, microdosing on accutane is a backup plan, 20 mgs every 3 days. Trust me. Folliculitis usually goes away by itself without treatment. My self diagnosis was that my body was allergic to my own Less sugar, eat a good diet of greens, and gut health is key, I take a probiotic every morning and every night, also each kimchi and sauerkraut, you've been on anti-biotics as I can see on your profile, I'm 21 and I've been on anti-biotics since I was 14 for acne, my microbiome/gut is/was fucked, hence this issue, now that I am tackling it and restoring the good bacteria, folliculitis is no Hello all, this is my first reddit post ever. In my case,I have achieved remission through bp and mupirocin and hygienic measures. The Real Housewives of Atlanta; The Bachelor; Sister Wives; 90 Day Fiance; Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas I was told i suffer from folliculitis and have had a swab done of one of the infections which came back positive for staph (dont believe it is MRSA). HAIR THINNED SOOO much. Scalp folliculitis can make you severely depressed, anxious and anti-social, and the truth is those that have found success or a cure don’t tend to write about their success stories on forums such as Reddit. I’d wash my whole body, especially hair and face. (1) This includes the t-zone area of face (especially forehead), shoulders, chest, and back. well Google and other websites did suggest creams and warm compresses but none worked , that includes the fact that folliculitis will only last two weeks Olivia, thank you for posting this. These boils/infections are recurrent and would like to know if you think these could be helped by cleaning my nostrils with hibiclens or something similar that is available in Australia? Hey just wanted to share my experience curing my fungal acne and hopefully this can help at least one person. what i’m trying now is a keto diet with intermittent fasting. Five patients were cured with one to three courses of ivermectin (unit dose 12 mg), including one also treated with thiabendazole ointment. The products I use are: Benzoyl Peroxide Wash 5% and Benzoyl Peroxide Gel 10% both products by the brand Benzac. I looked for alternatives. 10% leaving for 10 mins. The only thing that I feel helps me and is not causing more damage to my body is my diet. Since my folliculitis was on the back of my neck / side of my head, I just put my shampoo on top of my head first. My face and scalp was completely clear for 2 years after Accutane. IF anything, it may have worsed it a little bit, but it is too difficult to tell you. On and off Bactrim for years. fingers crossed! Currently using Oregano Oil for my folliculitis above my neck and let me tell you it’s my first week but the results are crazy. I am using a calamine lotion (Calandryl)(Calamine plus itch reliever). I even had one bald spot in the middle of the back of my head from one red bump. The doctor said to keep taking these until it goes away and said maybe in 2 weeks it should clear, I’m now about 5 days into taking a pill every day and just curious how long it took others to cure themselves of the bumps. After scouring this sub, I created a protocol I will call the Nuke Method that cured my folliculitis in three days. i asked if i could take antibiotics alongside the bp too, so i could attack the bacteria from all angles. I was suffering from folliculitis for 5 years. My dermat gave some antibiotics which didn’t help at all so I started looking for my own solutions. When doxycycline stopped working my doctor put me on a different antibiotic called Cephalexin. This was probably caused by picking your nose, trimming/plucking nose hair, blowing your nose excessively, being in a dry environment (you may need to use a humidifier during the winter), and/or infrequently changing your bedding/towels. Not only did I get into the best shape I’d ever been in, my mental health improved drastically, my eczema disappeared, and the folliculitis was no where to be found. It’s still possible that the folliculitis will one day return, but my dermatologist is very sure that we’ve kicked it for good. I have generally been a healthy person my whole life. It cured or put my folliculitis into remission Folliculitis came back with a vengeance 4 months later. My bump is like a hard red mound under my skin with like a crusted top outer shell. It wasn't HORRIBLE, but the blotches, spots, cysts, and redness here and there destroyed my self-confidence. Mine has mostly been on my stomach, sometimes on chest and pubic area and on back of neck occasionally. I am still acne free but my scalp is hurting again. I cured my folliculitis on my face and in my nose by washing with hibicleans (then I switched to Octenisan) everyday for years. It was tested and confirmed as not staph, but that's all I ever knew. I went back on a normal diet after that kind of ate healthy but also ate whatever I wanted and still no flair ups but this only lasted for about six months before the Doxy "cured" my acne and that's it. I realised when I stop for a few days I do get some whiteheads here and there again. he agreed and prescribed me with lymecycline. I think you should have taken isotretinoin longer to get cumulative dosage of 5000 to 9000 mg. If you've seen my previous posts I was asking help for folliculitis and I think I finally found my cure. Title might seem a bit unconventional, but I'm eager to share a genuinely personal and somewhat unexpected experience with you all. Neutrogena Spot Treatment: Apply after shower to the most problematic spots and leave on all day. However for face 10 minutes will be too much. Some seemed to work at first, but were disappointing in the medium term. Apparently this stuff kills bacteria post op according to him and I used it 2 weeks my foliculitus has completely disappeared. This protocol is 100% OTC and can be started the day you read it, total cost is under $50. Go see a dermatologist or general practitioner to get you prescribed on some antibiotics and creams for short term relief that's your best bet in my opinion. I really hope that’s not the case for you! I have a sun allergy on my chest anyway which makes me get a rash and pimple-like bumps. 5 months ago. But my condition was deteriorating. I left it on for at least 3 mins before washing it off. Hello, everyone. a malassezia folliculitis is an acne-like breakout often accompanied by itchiness that flares most in areas with a lot of sebaceous activity. . I can’t say for sure if it will help you or not as everyone can react to treatments differently. In this month alone, I feel like I have finally cured mine fully as I have not gotten a single new pimple in the last two weeks which is very rare for me and I can only hope this continues for longer. The folliculitis has slowly been getting better with the peroxide and alcohol but has not been a cure. It does nothing for my folliculitis. My GNF is practically gone. Wash pillow cases regularly once a week. My dermatologist started to taper me off of it slowly to see if it would come back. Wore filthy bike helmets and rarely washed my head prior to the symptoms. then I wash my head and in my case it has been incredible. My folliculitis present as deep painful cystic bumps that would leave a purple scar. After the shower, dry yourself with a clean towel. To anyone reading this, I hope this also helps you as much as it helped me. The scalp hurts when I touch the hair on the top of my head. I'm just hoping I get the same results every day. Finally I found a cure! Completely over the counter, no meds. I am not saying that this would work for everybody but it did for me. Feb 28, 2020 ยท Folliculitis is a common skin irritation. One was when i was a baby to remove a mole off my arm and a surgery when I was 5 to remove a pussy lump on my face so I've always had problems with my skin. After taking this photo, I lost most of my hair and went bald. Try using Panoxyl 10%, for my folliculitis on scalp 3-4% did not help at all. I was using antifungal cream but it actually made it worse, the oil killed almost every bump I had not they’re look like a scar. was referred to this idea from tiktok, came here and read through. I'm gonna share that Black African Soap freed me from folliculitis after 8 years having it, I also avoid Alcohol, gluten, dairy, sugar, processed food, and tried changing places where it's cold and not hot like my country and it took effect after 1 and half years 90%+ of my folliculitis is gone and only little plain glimpses are seeable, I also avoid friction and touching or rubbing them. was worried about contributing to the development of a superbug (bacteria that is resistant to all known antibiotics), but some preliminary research suggested that specifically with chlorohexidine this risk is low. Here's the two remedies that worked for me: 10-15 minute baths with diluted bleach. Apr 29, 2016 ยท Use the soap and scrub the affected areas. The steroid I was using made the Folliculitis got so bad after I stopped using it it grew to my neck, back of ears and face. Based on a simple recommendation from my pharmacist - recommended the OTC "DEXIDEN 4 Detergent" the active ingredient is chlorohexidine. However after my course ended slowly but surely it came back again. I moved into my current home 2 years ago and I started to notice that my skin and hair have never been dryer in my life, my hair started falling out and I was suddenly having scalp issues like folliculitis, dandruff, itchiness, dryness etc. My skin isn’t 100% perfect but I’d say it’s usually 85-95% clear now. I asked a doctor once and he told me to change laundry detergent. Hi, I am highly considering laser hair removal to treat my folliculitis on my beard (also considering my chest and back as it does spread sometimes there during a flare up). So I would say that it will most likely have great effect while you are taking it but it's not a cure. I had chronic scalp folliculitis for 7 years, and was treated with long term antibiotics, prescription shampoos, nothing worked. It knocked off spots of my beard, like 4-5 different spots within a week time. With that said, some unfortunate souls don’t experience success with the typical cures. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now My cure to back of scalp folliculitis is simply a loofa Since I started using a loofah on the back of . You have a very severe case of folliculitis. might be better than being permanently on an antibiotic. In this article, we will discuss various treatment options for getting rid of folliculitis and provide tips for prevention. I have just been resigned to having this shit condition for the rest of my life I have never been able to clear the skin on the back of my neck. I then went to a Chinese doctor and they gave me a bunch of herbs which I drank for 10 days and cleared up my Folliculitis 95%, but after 2 weeks it slowly came back although not at that level anymore. 9K subscribers in the Folliculitis community. --- If you don't care about my context, start reading here --- Thank you for posting this. I tried a bunch of stuff at home like vinegar, apple juice, yogurt, benzoyl peroxide. I’ve had scalp folliculitis for 3+ years (forever actually but chronic past 3) and finally began to take it seriously when I realized my hair was falling out and my scalp was starting to scar. Original post: I wanted to share my story in case anyone else out there is dealing with this awful situation. More people have found effective treatments / cures on this subreddit than anywhere else by far, and I attribute our success not only to our trust in medical science, but also to our tenacity in reinforcing empiricism. It’s extremely common to have to staph in your nose. Followed by that I ve ordered a Neutrogena rapid cleaner with 10% BP and started to apply it regularly for the past 3 weeks and my scalp is 98% clear now. The folliculitis was the kind of simple acne you could find on the face, except it was on the scalp. I've dealt with folliculitis on my neck and back for years, running a bunch of treatments many of you here are familiar with. ive had pimples on my legs/butt for years. I’m sure it will help someone! I agree with oiling your hair. Pityrosporum Folliculitis a. This spread across my body to my backside, armpits, chest, and then scalp. After I graduated high school, about a year after I started getting bumps under my skin. Please stay away from skin fades or any form of close shaving. It was such a good time because after i stopped taking accutane, my folliculitis came back in like 2 months. If you want to know my regimen, it's pretty simple: 70% isopropyl alcohol applied to the face using a cotton ball every night before bed. A little back story, basically been having these stupid bumps are that painful, pus filled kinda like acne but not for a year now. Keto/Carnivore diets are the ultimate anti-inflammatory diets. I spent the last year on bactrim. Certain types may need more aggressive types of care, while others may go away with little to no treatment. After close to a year of dealing with this horrible condition without having any sort of certainty on what it is, my swab came back for bacteria. Worst part is that I started balding at a young age so not only was my head always extremely broken out, but I could never shave it because it would hurt like hell and expose the disgusting Rubbing alcohol and Thayers toner mixture - Based on the Reddit advice we used a mixture of rubbing alcohol (70%) and Thayers toner and put it in a little spray bottle to kill the folliculitis. I’m emphasizing on White, because it has fewer dyes, making it less likely for irritation. Hey man, so no my effected area was only on the back of my head so what you see in the pic in my top comment. My acne was gone in like 4 months and my folliculitis was also as long as my hair got dry. My cure to folliculitis The recipe isn’t exact but this has gotten rid of my folliculits. In the mornings, I typically take my supplements (which have improved my condition significantly more than just when I was only using alcohol) 6. I use this everyday for 10 minutes and it has made my skin so clear. I put it all over my scalp an hour before washing my head. What you need: Folliculitis is curable in most cases. ). After three days i saw improvement. Ridiculous we gotta go thru this My miracle cure: My dermatologist then recommended me to use another cleanser that’s better for sensitive skin: CUTIbase. Apr 4, 2023 ยท Fortunately, there are several ways to treat folliculitis and prevent it from recurring. My doctor took a swab from my scalp, but there were no more traces of Staphylococcus. On a scale of 1-10 mine is now a 4/5 but it’s flared to a 8/9 and I don’t want to experience a 10. despite these concerns and concerns of killing my natural microbiome on 10 votes, 22 comments. I guess it works differently on different skin. I think I will try isotretinoin 10 mg We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I feel hopeless and there isn't anything else I know of that I can do to treat this besides going back on accutane. Once bumps were gone, maintenance dose of One 10 mg pill every 2-5 days would have achieved long term remission or may be cure. Nothing, you have mechanical folliculitis. I am about to come off accutane so hopefully it sticks. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I will give you all another update in a couple of months. but i don’t know it will come right back if I pause keto. I was on harsh rounds of antibiotics, using a medicated ointment, and showering with surgical soap for 9 months until I finally found something that worked. It has destroyed my gut. My hair is also really itchy and usually break out on the back of my head and around my ears. Keeping my facial hair short actually helped manage it, but when I would let it grow out it would get worse. Hi, I am a 22 year old male living in a humid climate. A science-based place for people to discuss inflammatory diseases of the hair follicle and skin. And it’s def a lot less itchy! I hope my story is also able to help someone out there dealing with Folliculitis. I'm not diabetic, my blood sugar is never abnormally high, but if I don't eat properly or often enough, my blood sugar drops very low. 7. And I let the foam dry. I’m on my third day and I can already feel that my skin condition is slowly being cured. 3 days after going from 150 to 100 mg daily, it came back worse than ever. Then rinse. they sell it at walgreens. So I have battled with painful scalp acne for close to ten years now. Everything I do and currently use on my skin has only helped, but it took time to determine what was safe. I have experimented with myself. It started on my upper back and spread to my whole back neck chest shoulders abd upper stomach like wild fire. Once the shaving was complete, I shampooed my scalp using a eucalyptus and tea tree oil organic shampoo (so far this was my typical regimen to just control the break outs). There’s also a lot of thinning and loss of hair at some places. i had a dermatology appointment today, and my derm was quite impressed with the results. It wouldn’t go away. I'm now looking into topical solutions since I can't take Accutane all my life. There are several ways you can care for your irritated skin, including: Hello Guys, I ve had scalp folliculitis for probably more than 7+ years and I recently discovered that bp 10% would be the right drug to cure the condition. - Late 2022, scalp is horrifically bad and itchy. i hope this helps to anyone suffeirng from scalp acne like me. I finally decided to take the plunge and do accutane about 5. The trick to kicking the folliculitis out with Accutane is dosage and duration. As a kid I needed two surgerys. I have no idea how or why it started, but from a small red set of bumps on my back it progressed into a waist to neck invasion of red bumps that until this year were not itchy but suddenly became unbearably itchy three months ago. The routine: scrub/lather sulfur soap into hands, and then squirt BP into hand. And I started getting the same pimples again on the back of my scalp like a year ago. This has what has helped me, it’s worked better than anything else I’ve done after seeing a derm for 6-7 years for this. I will try to do my best to give you a correctly written message in English! YAY!! Yes, the 10%! I really hope it works for you and I’m not just a fluke. I stopped and just proceeded to moisturize my skin instead which was a better remedy for my folliculitis. Been on the diet for a year now and my gut issues are around 80% better and my scalp folliculitis is 100% gone. And also like a lot of you, I went through a dozen dermatologists, twice as many courses of antibiotics and was almost resigned to going bald and living with folliculitis forever. folliculitis cleared. The spots spread from my chest, up to my neck and face, all down my back and began to creep across my stomach. Instead of making my folliculitis better, it made it 3x worse. It often happens after shaving, like when you have razor burn. EDIT: I meant acne keloidalis nuchae , not folliculitis, it was really late when I wrote this. It's important to note that although something may have cured 1 person that dont mean it will cure you, it's all in what is actually causing your folliculitis. It wasn't until high school when it got really troublesome. In fact, my folliculitis went away since my first week on Accutane. I'm a 25-year-old male planning to try a method that was posted to the subreddit to treat my folliculitis when I get home later this week (this is a burner account; refer to a comment I left to find post and method I’m talking about) I have a nine-month supply of doxycycline, untouched, as I can't bear to do another round of antibiotics after several previous rounds. Tried this as suggested by my derm but it made my skin so dry. Olivia, thank you for posting this. I also used to dilute my savlon solution with water and put it for more than 10 mins. Folliculitis Symptoms. ozgsre yenw xhvkb ygogmvoo mrkm mcwek infqm cwnru ltirz mun

How i cured my folliculitis reddit. I put this information to try to help.